Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011 Pt. 01: Star Wars

We went to a Halloween Party at our friend's house.  It was a little stressful at first with Baby A (too much commotion or maybe it was all the costumes?), but after a little nursing, Yoda, fell asleep. And princess Leia and Han Solo enjoyed some adult games & company.  Thank you Sam and Derek for having us over!
Yoda wearing Jedi

Princess Leia Nursing

please tell me why it looks like my son has teeth?!
From this day forward,
Princess Leia

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Faces of Friday 10.28.2011

just standing around

Teething tablet all over my face

turtle/homer simpson face

Happy Weekend All!

Baby A

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What We Wore {WWW} Pt. 01

From this day forward,

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In the past

I used to fllip through the air, swing around a bar. Practice a sport as many hours as a part time job.
I felt like I was flying, I felt like I could do anything I wanted. I felt free.  I felt contained. I felt like I was doing what I wanted to be doing, but that I was missing out on a teenage life (Oh, how I was wrong).
I used to be15 or 16. I used to think that a bucket of Mcdonald's fries was a good idea.  I couldn't wait to drive & live in my own apartment & go to college. Now, I'm married and have a baby! A flippin' BABY.

My sister is around the same age I was in this video.  My sister is in high school dealing with high schooler's problems-"How to ask a guy to Sadie's (Hawkins)."Or "Finding a homecoming dress that A) is cute B) in the right size C) one that no one else has."  Gosh, I kind of miss high school.  Only KINDA, though.

Now, I have adult/married with children sort of problems- "Health insurance for a child." Or "I have forgotten my address...again!" (true story).

What were some of YOUR high school problems?             

 From this day forward,

p.s. I had to steal this from my old Myspace...haha, remember when that used to be cool?

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Day.

We heart mother's
Father and Son in the Sun
We started our Sunday by sleeping in (9:45 AM!) then we hung out & watched the Chargers game while getting ready for our family day! Hubby and I couldn't decide on where we wanted to go, so we just got in the car and drove around for a while. 

We tried looking for a pumpkin patch but all we could find were pumpkin themed carnivals!? & what is up with the sinking Titanic ship blow up/bounce house/slide thing? That definitely doesn't seem inviting- Hey kids, come play on a sinking ship where hundreds of people died in the freezing cold water...

Anyways, we ended up at one of our favorite groceries stores, Mother's Market, for lunch. They have a great deli, salad bar and juice bar.  We shared a salad, some hummus & a juice.  AJ was an angel while we sat outside and enjoyed the sunny but cool weather.  After a diaper change in the trunk, we went for a little adventure to a hidden trail and shaded park. 

I love spending time with my men! It was a great family bonding day & we got some cute photos of us dressed up! (totally, not planned at all... ::wink wink::). It was one of those days where I totally felt...normal.  Having a baby is becoming normal, I can do normal adult things...I don't want baby A to grow up into a crawling/walking toddler!

My favorite picture of all time.

He loved the fountain.
 How do you like to spend you Sundays? What are some fun things you enjoy doing with your family?  Am I crazy for wanting a good Ol' fashioned pumpkin patch WITHOUT rides and petting Zoos?

From this day forward,
The Wenger Family

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Friday, October 21, 2011

let's play a game.

A Halloween costume guessing game. 

BATMAN/the obvious choice.

a happy country club goer

A frustrated golfer  (AKA Great-grandpa Wenger ) ((JK))

A baseball star

Uncle Jack playing baseball

a prince in disguise

an Organic fruit salesman

A surfer dude with a really happy daddy!

which one do you like the best?

From this day forward,
Mac won't tell you what his REAL costume is.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh Wednesday.

Just another reason to love drive-thru Starbucks: you get to sneak a peak at your little Mister's super adorable balding head and his highly kissable sneaker-socked, witty-bitty feet. (Gag, why do babies make adults-even the English majors- speak like fools?!)

Oh, well. Babies are pretty F-Word-Ing awesome. (Is that more adult?).

From this day forward,

MACRAE is the S-word.

::winky face::

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Aiden: 15 weeks old

 15 weeks and lots of teething.  very little sleep for mom & dad. very grumpy days for baby A.

  • Baby A rolls from back to stomach & stomach to back like a champ!
  • Will play longer on his owl blanket, piano, or bumbo (BY HIMSELF!)
  • loves any mirror or reflection-that baby on the other side sure is fun to play with
  • has possibly decided on a Halloween costume! No it isn't a froggy...or is it? (it's not!)

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

extreme babywearing.

Ok, ok. Let's get real here. I love my sleepy's easy to use, comfortable for me and baby A, and I get some super awesome cuddle time with my son.

From this day forward,
Mac-Pro baby wearer-Wenger

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Aiden: 14 Weeks

14 weeks. 

Do you see his RED-ish hair?

We had his 3 month well baby check-up yesterday.
Baby A's stats are:
  • 25 & 1/2 inches tall (2 inches more than he was at his 2 month!)
  • 10  lbs. 12 ounces. (only 8 ounces more then he was at his 2 month!)
  • teething has officially started. (bottom two make some appearances every now and then).
  • cried for exactly 3.34 seconds after getting his one and only vaccine of the appointment. (Yes, I am following a modified vaccination schedule. Very spread out and only the 'MUST HAVE'  ((and I'm not even sure if I believe 100% that they are a must have)) vaccines. Also I'm not sure double parenthesis is what you are supposed to do when you had a side note in a side note...?)
  • Stood up on the neck strength test.
    • In an Argentine accent, "What are you doing there, mister? you aren't supposed to stand at your age, sit back down." IHeartOurPediatrican.
    • because he stood all the way up she isn't as worried about his SUPER. duper. slow. weight gain.
    • Another awesome quote in an Argentine accent, "I'm glad you brought your husband last time," (to the baby) "I see daddy's legs and I know why you are so skinny."  
  • This is more of a highlight then a stat: Aiden makes friends everywhere he goes. People LOVE babies. and this baby will smile and coo for just about any brunette or elderly person!

Our morning ritual-secret sharing time.

I'm onto my first full week of work. I'm glad I decided to work only 5 days instead of my usual 6 because I am so relieved that tomorrow is my day off. This mama is tired. My eyes, brain and mouth aren't quite working with the same precision as pre-pregnancy.  Coaching gymnastics is about seeing the tiniest error and being able to articulate a correction in terms that either a teenage girl, a middle-school girl, or a kindergartner would understand. And my coach brain isn't fully back to it's pre-pregnancy weight.  Ha!

I hope my choreography brain can sync up with my body because it's time for new floor & beam routines.  Love&Hate this time of year.  I love it because I get to create and move and have some one-on-one time with each of my athletes. I hate it because it is exhausting and sweaty and hard work creating routines that are unique and that my gymnast will enjoy competing. I love it because it's a great workout. I hate it because it's a workout (Stop being so lazy Macrae!!!).

What are some fun/different ways you work out? I need some ideas that don't involve a treadmill or the stair-master.

From this day forward,

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