I think the easiest and most convenient way to make baby food is to use ingredients you are already using for dinner. Now, of course, we've never eaten sweet potato, bean, and quinoa burgers before- but we're trying to eat less meat during the week. It works because it makes it more affordable to eat organic (& I get to try out new and different recipes). So for dinner, I was already chopping and steaming sweet potatoes, so baby got some mashed sweet potatoes:
probably yields 2+ servings for a 6 month Little Mister or Baby Beauty.
A few cubes of steamed sweet potatoes, no skin. Maybe a 1/4 cup.
2 Tbsp prepared quinoa (quinoa is highly nutritious and considered a non-allergenic food, perfect for babies)
A 1/2 ounce heavy cream or breastmilk or water
A dash of cinnamon
Mash ingredients together or purée until the consistency is to your baby's liking. The older the baby the less mashing required.
Not pictured: cooked quinoa (it was a last minute addition)
Our burgers were phenomenal and extremely filling and the baby food tasted great (my husband and I both sample it bc I always make too much and it always looks so tasty!)
From this day forward,
*please use caution when introducing new foods to your baby. Talk with your pediatrician and follow all guidelines of introducing solids to baby.
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