Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aiden: 13 weeks.

I apologize for the blurry photos, my camera phone isn't what it used to be. :( Maybe I need to upgrade to an Iphone...:hint hint, nudge nudge::

My boy is getting tall and he is forming quite the personality.

Every morning after we wake up from our morning nap we open the blinds and talk about our dreams & what we want to do for the day. 

His sleeping pattern=he wakes up at 3:30 and again at 6:30 daddy takes him for an hour at 7 and then AJ and I nap until 11ish (UH-mazing).

He does well with his babysitters-YaYa, Aunti Madi, Cousin Brianna & of course Daddy (I guess he doesn't count as a babysitter). But he didn't want me to put him down last night when I got home from work.  No seriously, he fell asleep, like, 14 times (three) and each time I went to put him in his bassinet his eyes would POP open and he's make his sad face/whimpering.

Going back to work has definitely been difficult, BUT I've remembered how much I love coaching gymnastics & how much I love being a mommy.  When I'm at work I miss Aiden & I constantly look at the clock and think "6:30 PM it's time for him to eat" or "7:00 PM it's time for him to eat...again." (true story, P.S.).  When I was on maternity leave I definitely missed my gymnasts & the smell of feet chalk. My brain is a little bit slower than it used to be & I'm missing some of the obvious technical errors I could catch without thinking twice, but it feels good to be back.  BUT I'm back and I truly love working with young athletes and being able to guide them & help them accomplish their goals, both in the sport & in their everyday life.  I know that I will raise Aiden (and all my future children) with the same ethics & philosophies I use as a coach.  It's kind of cool that my professional experience will help with my personal existence.  Hooray for surviving my first 2 days of work!

We have his 3 month check up next week. I'll keep you updated.

sad this one is so blurry.

this one too.
I heart his bumbo & i guess he does too, kinda.

He loves you thiiiiiiis much.

he is definitely wearing shoe socks, but he wanted to show off his dance moves instead of his shoes.
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