Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pets, postpartum & pesky boobie problems

coco hiding under Aiden's bassinet

At least someone uses the bassinet...and have I mentioned, poor coco is no longer #1. I miss her furry cuddles and annoying morning meows, but with baby A taking over our house -seriously, who knew that a baby requires SO much stuff???- the little baby coco has been locked in closets (totally Joel's fault), sleeping alone, staying alone a good portion of most days (BC I take up residence at my parens house on the reg), and has become a mere, dare I say it, pet.

P-E-T not CAT-C-H-I-LD. 

when you had a baby did your pets take a temporary backseat? Or was it a permanent move to second place?


Lower lady parts are healed nicely and everything is where it should be. I'm cleared medically for some hanky panky (sorry momma!). But mentally ready.. don't think so. (Sorry Joel!) Don't worry I wont keep you posted on this detail.

Tummy is 50% back to normal. Squishy-ness is slowly hardening up, dark line down my tummy is fading, hips and hooray are a little wider than before and my jeans still don't fit,  belly button still sticks out! I am seriously nervous about I will have an outtie-4-life (new screen name? ((If I still had one!)).

Boobies are Fuller. Righty has had mastitis twice & I'm scheduled to see a breast specialist on the 8th. My OB/GYN thinks I might have an abscess and it will need to be drained. ::sigh:: BREASTFEEDING IS FLIPPING HARD but im not giving up just yet (we've had to supplement,but we are slowly on our way back to EBF. I will keep you updated on the status of my jeans fitting and on my boobies BC I know you are all so interested.

From this day forward,

Mac has an outtie!

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