Wednesday, April 27, 2011

'A' is for...

Aiden in my tummy.

Animals- stuffed and real life.

Angels Baseball
(I don't even look like I have a baby 'bump')
((but trust me, I have a huge one!)

A-mazingly wonderful husbands 
(and Ben & Jerry's ice cream makes him that much yummier!)

Afternoons by the pool (2 hours IN the pool, hee hee)

Almost here...

Today is 30 weeks.
10 more weeks to go (give or take).

excited & happy.

 how to prepare for my first human child?
what NOT to do as a first time parent?
what I SHOULD do as a first time parent?
(I promise to listen!)
pinkie promise, sealed with a kiss.

From this day forward,
Almost a Mommy

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend in McFarland ...

Was full of family, fun, LOTS of GOOD food, massages, movies...
This look is almost exact to Joel's 'baby' look.

My husband modeling his baby clothes and baby poses. (I just love my husband!)

Won't these baby blue and white striped baby leg warmers look adorable with Joel's (Aiden's) outfit?
Yes, I do think so.

 Inappropriately large sundaes...

That we finished! so, SO delicious!

My favorite Easter tradition...decorating the cross.

The weekends always go TOO fast, especially the ones spent with my Momma and Poppa Wenger, Auntie Julie, and the other 'grandparents' of McFarland. 

From this day forward,
Macrae (Sutherland) WENGER

Friday, April 15, 2011

"As I lay me down to sleep"...Who am I kidding, I DON'T (can't) sleep

While I toss and turn, these two sleep peacefully through me taking a picture of them with a FLASH on!

Can't fall asleep because of heartburn.
Can't sleep longer than 2 hours at a time due to having to potty (then I get thirsty so I drink more!)
Can't get comfortable because my legs hurt and spasm at night
Can't sleep in because my hips ache from sleeping on my sides.


Can drink lots of milkshakes (banana is my favorite...double plus is milk helps with my heartburn and bananas help with my leg cramping issues)
Can drink lots of homemade flavored water (I like cucumber, lemon and rosemary's like a spa day!)
Can read as many books, blogs, novels as a I want because I stay up so late.
Can wake up early with my favorite husband and make yummy breakfasts.

Do you like how I'm trying to be positive in the wake (no pun intended) of the third trimester insomnia?

From this day forward,
Shleepy Mac

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester

third trimester
Today, I am 28 weeks-officially in the 3rd trimester!
Oh. M. Gee.
So much to do still- baby's room, baby registries, birth plan, mini vacation for just us...
Today I am tired, excited, nervous, anxious, restless.
But I went to the Farmer's Market today and got some delicious veggies and a HUGE orchid for only $5.
HUGE. right?

From this day forward,
Mama to be

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Mother's Journal

My mother-in-law bought me "A Mother's Journal" for Christmas 2010.  Inside the front cover, she wrote:
Dear Macrae,
As we all anticipate the joy of your expected little one, I'm hoping you'll enjoy several quiet moments of reflection, wonderings, thoughts and prayers. Time is so precious, and moments quietly spent are never wasted! (Alone, or together with those you love!)
Keep nurturing your God-given gift of writing.
Mom & Dad Wenger
For several months (especially during the EXTREME morning sickness days) I didn't do much of anything, but sleep and throw up. Writing/keeping a journal was something I couldn't physically do without getting sick.  However, recently, I've been reading books, articles, blogs about mothering, labor methods, breastfeeding, Gdiapers, etc.  And have finally been inspired (comfortable) to put my thoughts somewhere other than into my husbands half-listening ear (I prefer he isn't fully attentive when I'm talking about my crazy thoughts and fears...When he is watching baseball or playing playstation is the BEST time for moments like this!)

I admit, I haven't written a single word in the Journal.  When it comes to putting pen to paper, my mind freezes and my palms get sweaty (maybe MFA hasn't completely been flushed out of my system and I still get 'Stage Fright' at the thought of seeing MY WORDS on paper).  Yes, I do realize that as I type, these are MY WORDS and that this is technically a public forum, but I feel like writing in a book-pen to paper-is so permanent.  I am still self conscious about the idea of once I write it down, I can't hit the backspace button and start over.  I'm hoping to overcome this fear gradually-maybe starting with a pencil to paper first!-because I truly think that the written word (in real life handwriting) is so beautiful, poignant, and timeless.  

Even though I haven't written inside the journal, it has been by my bedside since I received it, and I read all of the quotes-some repeatedly (especially the inscription inside from my Momma Wenger) for insight, a good laugh, inspiration, and a sense of belonging into the strange and scary world of motherhood.

My husband took this picture during our (makeshift) maternity shoot.My first impression: 

I'm glad the giant tree makes me look so small. 
But then, that thought led to: 
I only have 3 months left until I will be a mother, and that makes me FEEL small.  
Which led to this thought:  
What kind of mother am I going to be? Am I going to remember what I like to do or am I going to be one of those mom's that is completely obsessed with her child and nothing else (Wait, I already AM totally obsessed with the little alien invasion inside me!).   
Which made me think of this quote: (see below picture)

"Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but it still brings boredom, exhaustion, and sorrow too. Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality-especially while you struggle to keep your own"

-Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons

I can't decide if this is a positive quote or a realistic-you-have-to-work-hard-to save-your-own-identity quote (much like many of the quotes on becoming a wife).  Since when did becoming a wife or mother turn into losing one's individuality...and maybe I think this way because my husband has always encouraged/supported/let me keep my individuality- even when it involved him attending poetry readings or watching chick flicks (that he secretly liked) I just love my husband!...or maybe it's because that I have made decisions to also join him in the things he enjoys and that make him, HIM (golf, baseball, golf) because I want to enjoy life together.  Having a baby isn't going to change who I am, but it is, at the same time...

From this day forward,

soon-to-be Mommy-Mac

Monday, April 11, 2011

Makeshift Maternity Photos

We wanted to hire a professional photographer (Nick Charrow), but our budget was small and he is booked for all of 2011.  However, the few pictures we took, came out pretty decent.  There are a few things I would do differently with some of our poses--like my hand placements at times, but overall the pictures express us quite well.  I've been experimenting with photo editing skills and appreciate my wedding photos even more because it is not an easy task tweaking the colors or removing a car from the background.

From this day forward,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Summer in March

enjoying our day off

my HOT husband.

 summer in March
26 weeks

Enjoying OUR day off (a Thursday, none-the-less) 
I never thought I'd feel comfortable in a bikini at 6 months pregnant, but the heat got the better of me.
I just love hanging out with my husband.
We are excited for baby #1 to arrive, but we also are making sure to enjoy our time together before our life changes FOR-EV-ER. :)

From this day forward,

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